Buying a Home

Where to Start?

The first place to begin the process is with an assessment of your finances. The majority of people will be obtaining financing in the form of a mortgage. You’ll need to calculate how much you’re spending now, what you can afford, and your future expenses. You will need to discuss your budget and ability to borrow for your home purchase with a mortgage broker or mortgage specialist at a bank.

Finding Your Home

We will talk about the process of home buying, review your homeownership goals, and timeline. I will guide you in prioritizing which features are most important to you. For some it will be the neighbourhood, others will need proximity to health facilities, it might be the house style or school zone (to name a few) that ranks as your first priority. For others, especially those in military and RCMP, the ease of resale and potential resale value will likely be most important.

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Why choose Kathy?

"Kathy has been my "go to" realtor for several years! She has been very helpful in every way...answering all of my questions and guiding me whenever she was needed. She has shown me several properties over the years and recently, she was my realtor while purchasing my dream property on the South Shore! Because of Kathy, it was a seamless transaction...even during a pandemic! I have recommended her to several family members and friends and will continue to do so as she is very professional and always exceeds expectations!"
Jani MacDonald
August 2, 2021

Do you have questions? Call or text today, we are here to help!